
    Company Profile

    1. Name          CHEMIX INC.
    2. Chairman:   FangYu Lee 
        President:   Tsunoda Toshiya
    3. Foundation November 1987
    4. Business     Import-export of pharmaceuticals, APIs, bio-products
                           and functional food materials
    5. Business license 
                            Drug manufacturer and sales license approved
                            Drug manufacturer license approved
    6. Bank           Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Shinyokohama Branch
    7. Address      Head office:
                           Planning&Development, Regulatory&Assurance, Sales Divisions
             2-15-10 Shinyokohama Kohoku-ku Yokohama Japan
                                         TEL:81-45-476-9031 FAX:81-45-476-9034
                            QC & Logistics center:
                                         2193-263 Yatsusawa Uenohara-shi Yamanashi Japan
                                         TEL:81-554-30-2230 FAX:81-554-30-2240
    8. Web Address http://www.chemixjp.co.jp/english
    1987.11   Foundation of the company in Tokyo
                    Inauguration of import and sales of API and bio-products
    1993. 1    Establishment of Yokohama plant
    1994. 7    Launch manufacturing and sales of antibiotic products
    1997.12   Launch manufacturing and sales of plastic container injections
    2000. 1    Launch sales & distribution by our own sales force
    2009.11   Re-location of head office to Yokohama
    2010. 3    Establishment of QC & Logistics center in Yamanashi
    2010. 7    Launch sales of Functional food materials
    2011.11   Establishment of Packing Building
    2013. 7    Management Integration with Yung Shin Group in Taiwan