• Core Values
    YungShin is Taiwan’s leading pharmaceutical company.  However, in order to capture opportunities in the global market and maintain our leadership status, we must be “QUIC.” Whether in product innovation, service efficiency, knowledge of market dynamics, or response to customer requests, being QUIC means integrating resources swiftly and efficiently to deliver consistent products and services.
    Q (quality)
    Quality is the foundation of YungShin’s Ethos. We earn our clients’ trust on the strength of six decades worth of maintaining high standards of production, sales, service, and, most of all, quality.
    U (understanding)
    In order to enhance the quality of our products and services, pursue innovation and meet the diverse needs of our customers, we must apply understanding to realize all aspects within the scope of the market, consumers, and internal ideas. Through understanding, we can seize opportunities and generate positive results.
    I (innovation)
    We encourage innovative thinking on product, service and channel management, as well as internal procedures. It is our unrelenting ambition to stay competitive.
    C (customer-oriented)
    We insist that our service quality meets and exceeds the needs of our customers, including hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and end consumers. Every department of every subsidiary of YungShin is prepared to provide customer-oriented service.  Customer service is an internal strength that is essential to our ability to stay ahead of the competition.